When I started my fitness journey I was all alone. I had a lot to figure out (as you probably already learned from reading the Meet Erica page 😉 – and it was hard!

Not only did I have a lot to learn… but I had to keep myself motivated. And as we all know it can be very difficult to do that when you have all of the demands of life constantly pushing you away from your goals. I don’t know who said it… but they say that “Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.”

But as the weeks and months went on I started to meet others who motivated and encouraged me. Okay, well, of course I had friends and family who were doing the same… but there’s something different about “being in the trenches with other soldiers.”

Do you know what I mean when I say that? Have you ever shared the same struggle as someone else? Have you ever met someone and immediately click with them? You wonder why… but as time goes on you figure out that the two of you are facing the same challenges and have gone through the same things and have similar goals… and that’s when you really “connect” the dots with your new “connection.”

That’s what I strive to do. That’s why The Vibe : CT is called what it is – it’s not just about catching the GOOD VIBES and feeling great… it’s about connecting with other, likeminded women and men who share your desire to be the best you that you can possibly be.

If you’ve never joined one of my classes before… then this might not be a very obvious thing to you. But once you participate and see what it’s like… you’ll never go back to doing things on your own.

Somebody I love very, very much once told me something I can never forget… My big brother said, “You can’t do it alone… and even if you could, it wouldn’t be worth doing.” When I asked him what he was specifically talking about he said, “Life, Erica.”

Let’s do it TOGETHER! Let’s connect and thrive! I’m here to help you catch The Vibe and be the best you ever!

PLEASE take a second to contact me on social media and let me know how I’ve helped you connect with other likeminded people! It would mean the world to me to hear your stories so I can share them with others.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site and read all of this. It means the world to me.